Recently, The Cocaine Cowboy was asked why he always dressed as a ragamuffin even when meeting heads of state. His reply? "To show solidarity with my troops!"

I'm sure that spurs them on to continue fighting and sacrificing himself.

Here's an idea: Admit that you lost the war and let the Big Boys (ie, Trump & Putin) workout out a peace plan for you.

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"After all, they were getting richer by the day by skimming the cash and reselling military equipment to other bad players around the globe, including Mexican Drug Cartels."

Unless you have clear sources for this claim, its just a bold-faced lie. The vast majority of the military equipment sent to Ukraine are distinctive weapon systems that would be very out of place if they suddenly popped up elsewhere around the world. You must have photo's of Mexican cartels suddenly rolling around in US M113 APC's or Polish Krab self-propelled guns if this is really the case.

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What proof do you have that they haven't been selling donated military hardware all over the globe?

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Not only do you have to come with a source because you made the claim like Jack said, my point stands about it being *very* obvious *if* Ukrainian aid was sent from Ukraine elsewhere. Like I said, these supplied weapon systems would be very out of place if they popped up suddenly elsewhere around the world. I'm begging you, one source of one Ukrainian supplied weapon system showing up at a Mexican cartel, please. If its such common knowledge like you purport, this shouldn't be so hard.

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You made the claim you dumb fuck. You provide the evidence. Nice try. You’re just here to tell us “what THEY won’t tell you” right?


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It's common knowledge, champ. You should stop relying exclusively on The View for your news.

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“Common knowledge” is what retards say when they can’t prove shit. Fuck the Marxist View and fuck Tucker Carlson clones like you too. You’re incapable of independent thought. You’ve been told to hate Ukraine, so you do.

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And why do you support Ukraine so passionately?

Answer: Because the TV told you to.

I'm not on either side, but have grown fed up with my tax dollars being sent to Kiev to go up Z's nose and help him acquire yet more villas around the Mediterranean.

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I don’t support Ukraine. They were corrupt as fuck before they got invaded, then act like we’re responsible for their failures if we don’t keep throwing billions at them. That doesn’t mean I pretend Putin is all of the sudden a force for good, wrongly maligned in our press, and that his invasion of Ukraine isn’t the reason for all of this. Go suck a KGB dick. Because when you suck Putin’s dick, that’s what you’re sucking. A commie who never gave a shit about Christian nationalism while he rose through the commie ranks. You’re a very simple algorithm that shits “leftists hate X, therefore X gud!” out of its proverbial mouth. You’re a dime a dozen.

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