Breaking News: Christine Blasey Ford to Testify Against Peter Hegseth?
Christine Blasey Ford Saddles Up And Rides Again
President Trump Can Say Bye-bye to Peter Hegseth
This is guaranteed to sink the lecherous Hegseth, if true.
After a sit down with Democrat Party officials over the weekend, Christine Blasey Ford suddenly recalled a long-repressed memory from her high school senior year. On Valentine’s Day a very young first-grader hand-delivered a Be My Valentine card to her and then attempted to give her a peck on the cheek. The assailant was Peter Hegseth! According to Christine, she knocked the tyke arse-over-teakettle and left him sobbing as she strode off indignantly.
Christine swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
It’s Deja Vu All Over Again
When asked if there were any witnesses to the shocking incident, Ford admitted there were none, as she believes it happened around 4 AM in a dark alley. Unfortunately, she could not remember the date, city, or state in which Hegseth assaulted her. However, Ford insists that the incident has been indelibly etched across her hippocampus all this time.
Ford has agreed to testify against Hegseth as soon as her GoFundMe account has been set up and seeded.
Folks, I have no idea if any of this is true, although it does sound plausible.
Only time will tell.
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Christine “Ballsy” Ford (as Rush Limbaugh called her) had been given acting lessons prior to appearing in front of of the Senate questioning. I studied Antonin Stanislavsky “method” acting at Bennington College. That is what was taught to her. They said that she couldn’t fly as she was afraid of flying so held her back in order to direct her with the Stanislavsky method. In fact, she had flown to Hawaii and other places it was later discovered. When Diane Feinstein saw that Kavanaugh might pass the scrutiny she produced the letter from Christine “Ballsy.”
As I recall her payoff last time was a cool million. Will she demand more this time?